Welcome to Kington St Michael's Village Website
"Living in a village, doing village things"
Kington St Michael is a small, thriving and sustainable village 3 miles north of Chippenham, Wiltshire, with approximately 700 inhabitants. The village has a community run shop, a primary school, "The Jolly Huntsman" pub, a village hall, a social club, St Michael & All Angels parish church, Kington Café, and a recreation field overlooking the Nymph Hay Wood. The hamlet of Easton Piercy is part of the parish of Kington St Michael.
Clubs and activities held in the village hall include Before & After School Club, Pilates, and WI (please click on "Community & Clubs" for further details and on the village hall's website).
The road through our village is the C154 - it is quite unusual in that the road, which is our main street, has no name and the houses along it are simply numbered, e.g. 4 Kington St Michael. We are linked to Chippenham via the A350 and Malmesbury via the A350/A429. The M4 motorway (J17) is 3 miles north of the village, going west to Bath, Bristol & Cardiff and east to Swindon, Reading & London. The nearest railway station is in Chippenham, giving mainline access west to Bristol and east to London Paddington. The nearest airport is at Bristol.
Kington St Michael is approximately 101 metres above sea level.
Superfast fibre optic broadband (e.g. BT Infinity) is available, as is FTTP broadband (currently via Gigaclear). Freeview can be received and there is mains gas throughout most of the village.
If you visit Kington St Michael please drive carefully through our village, park considerately, and may we politely request that you do not use your mobile 'phone whilst driving?
As far as we know Kington St Michael is a zombie free zone - of course,
if anything apocalyptic has happened then the website may not have been
We hope you enjoy looking through our webpages to find out about our village life.

One of the two Manor Farms! Tor House

Bucklebury Cottage Looking towards the church
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Contact Us
If you would like any further information about the village and think we may be able to help, please e-mail us. (By
emailing us you are consenting to your enquiry being passed on to a
third party such as a councillor or other agency in order for it to be
most appropriately dealt with).
If you would like to contribute an
article or photo for the "Community" pages or "Village Snippets", or
have any other information or comments, please contact us at the above
email address or telephone me on (01249) 750514. It would be appreciated
if any photos submitted could first be resized down to 100kb or less.
Thank you.
We are happy to report any events that are
brought to our attention. In the interests of impartiality, however, we
reserve the right to edit or refuse any reports which we deem not to be
suitable. Such reports do not necessarily reflect our opinion or that of
the Parish Council - please see "Website Disclaimer" below.
Any complaints should be made, in the first
instance, to the Website Administrator, or, if preferred, to the Clerk
to the Parish Council (click on "Parish Council" tab above, for
Many thanks,
Linda Durno
(Website Administrator)
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