KSM School Summer Fete
Advance notice that the school will be holding its summer fete
on Saturday 12th July (details to follow).
Parish Council Elections

Kington St Michael has an allocation of nine Parish Councillors, all of whom must step down before the elections on Thursday 1st May - would
you like to be one of the councillors on our new council? To find out about what our council does and is responsible for please see the Parish Council page of this website. To find out more abount becoming a Parish councillor, please read "Local Elections 2025", which also contains an application form.
Be a Good Neighbour

A timely reminder that there is still time (begore the birds start nesting) for parishioners to check and cut back any of their overgrown hedges, trees and shrubs that are either impeding pedestrians or restricting the view of vehicles. This will help our blind, disabled, smaller and taller residents walking through the village. This is also a good opportunity to ask you to be considerate about where you leave wheelie bins and black boxes out for collection, as these can also cause a hazard for less able people – please don’t leave them in the middle of the pavement, if possible.
During the colder months, when snow has fallen or the ground is icy, consider checking in on your elderly neighbours to see if they need help with shopping, putting out their bins or other jobs that may be difficult for them at this time. The village shop will deliver to anyone who cannot get out – call 01249 750181 to ask for help.
Village Green
Our village green and pond can be found down Stubbs Lane, behind the cottages. This delightful oasis is one of several areas of land owned by the parish, and maintained by Parish Council contractors. This maintenance is paid for out of the village precept, which all parishioners contribute to annually, via their Council Tax.
These areas are for the enjoyment of the village and, what is little known, is that anyone planting or disturbing the soil on a village green is considered to be in violation of the law, and legal action could be taken against the well-meaning parishioner unless they restore that land to its original state.
Shop News

A big thank you to all the villagers who have supported the shop - especially when the internet recently disappeared in the village for most of the day. The backup system of pen and paper, plus a card machine that used the mobile network, saved the day.
The shop now has an Ecover refill station for washing up liquid and laundry detergent. If you are interested in helping the environment and reducing your plastic usage, bring your empty bottles and re-fill them.
The new till is providing some fascinating insights - on busy days there are over 80 transactions and there are over 1,000 products listed on the till. Top items are stamps, wine and beer, bird seed, logs and Walter Rose’s tasty sausage rolls and pasties. There are more than 30 different sorts of biscuits and crackers! Amongst the most popular items is the expanded range of Artisan candles from Langley Burrell. New, intriguing scents include Lime, Basil & Mandarin and Green Orange & Coriander.
In response to customer requests, there are more frozen meats available, supplied by quality Corsham butcher, Toby Haynes. Alongside meat pies, spinach plaits and chicken fillets are lamb cutlets, chops, sausages (including gluten free), minced beef, faggots & braising steak.
Whistlefish has some great Valentine’s Day cards this year and if you need a nice surprise to go with your card, there are sparkling wines and good chocolate in the shop too.
Shop volunteers decorated a Christmas tree for the church Christmas tree festival and wrote a sentence summing up how they feel about helping in the shop. These comments showed that working in the shop is something that people enjoy and value. They included ‘I know so many more people from helping in the shop’, ‘It’s good for my brain ‘, ‘Volunteering increased my self-confidence again and gave me a sense of purpose’, ‘A great opportunity to give back to the community’ and ‘Lovely friendly team’. One volunteer wrote, ‘Volunteering is great to add to your CV, can add many skills that are valuable for the job market’.
To continue to open for the hours villagers want and need, the shop must have more volunteers. If you would like to find out more about joining the team, call in, or contact the shop.
Find us on Facebook: kingtonstmichaelvillageshop or Instagram @ksmvillageshop.
Tel: 01249 750181 or email: hello@kingtonstmichaelshop.co.uk.
Community Pub Project's January Update
Many thanks to everyone who bought our Christmas cards, tankards and mugs
and to those who visited us at the village Christmas Fayre and bought from our
stall – our Christmas cards quickly sold out.
Our tankards (£25) and mugs (£10) continue to sell well and will make
great gifts, with Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Easter soon upon us. Why not pop an Easter egg in one for the
chocolate lover in your life?! To get
yours please contact Alex Hall on 01249 750602, alex.hall@kington-st-michael.com,
or Linda Durno on 01249 750514, kingtonstmichael@btinternet.com.
Unfortunately, just before Christmas, we received the
news that the Community Ownership Fund had closed and that there will be no
further application windows on the COF programme. The current government “…took
this difficult decision due to the challenging inheritance left by the previous
government”. Whilst the Community
Ownership Fund has closed, the government states that it “…remains committed to
the communities’ sector and community empowerment. The government will deliver on its manifesto
commitment to replace the community ‘Right to Bid’ with a strengthened ‘Right
to Buy’ Assets of Community Value, creating a more robust pathway to community
asset ownership”.
We had hoped to have been successful with an application to COF, which would
have provided a large grant, and so this is a blow to our fundraising. However we are fortunate to have your pledges
of shares and are seeking further advice on future grants.
Dog Fouling and Dog Walking
Recently there have been multiple incidents of dog fouling on pavements throughout the village, especially regularly along the main street towards the café. Wherever you are walking your dog in the village - street, public footpath, QE2 Field, Nymph Hay Wood or the surrounding fields - picking up after your dog still applies! If anyone sees an owner letting their dog foul in a public place please report it to Wiltshire Council, either by 'phoning 01249 706111 and asking for the Dog Warden, or email publicprotectionnorth@wiltshire.gov.uk or via an on-line form on Wiltshire Council's website. Photographic evidence of the owner neglecting to pick up is always a help. Your personal details will be treated in strict confidence and you will be informed of the outcome of the complaint. Please note that complaints regarding aggressive dogs should be made to the police.
Now that it is lambing season, please keep your dogs on leads when walking in fields with sheep in, as well as when walking on the footpath that leads through the farmyard, as there are sheep and lambs about.
Book Recycling Scheme
The 81st and 82nd donations from this scheme, totalling £100, goes towards the village's Community Defibrillator Fund, to purchase replacement parts as and when required. You've clearly done a lot of reading over autumn and winter, so many thanks to those who donate books and buy books; the book scheme is run from the shop foyer and books are only 50p each. Village organisations that would like to be considered for a donation should contact Linda Durno via kingtonstmichael@btinternet.com. If you would like to support the Community Defibrillator Fund, please also contact Linda.
on at St Michael & All Angels Church
you to everyone who visited the church over Advent and Christmas, whether you
came to enjoy the music, to worship, to see the Christmas trees or to reflect
quietly in peace, we hope that you will carry the joy and hope of the Christmas
story with you throughout the year.
are always very welcome to come along to any of our services and stay for refreshments
afterwards or to explore and enjoy your beautiful village church which is open
every day. Light lunches are served every Monday or pop in for a coffee and a
Thursday 20th February, 10am: Holy Communion.
Sunday 23rd February, 4pm: All Together @ 4, informal all
ages worship with activities, refreshments and optional Holy Communion at
5.30pm. Come for as long or short at time as you choose. Bybrook Primary
School, Yatton Keynell.
Sunday 2nd March, 9.30am: Morning Praise.
Sunday 9th March, 9.30am: Holy Communion.
Thursday 20th, 10am: Holy Communion
(to be confirmed - see church posters nearer the time).
Sunday 23rd March, 4pm: All Together @ 4, informal all
ages worship with activities, refreshments and optional Holy Communion at
5.30pm. Come for as long or short at time as you choose. Bybrook Primary
School, Yatton Keynell..
For details of services here and around the Benefice, and contact details for any queries about Baptism, weddings and funerals, please see the Bybrook Benefice website bybrook.org.uk.
Environment Agency Flood Recovery Guide
Poppy Appeal 2024
This year's Poppy appeal in the village raised £258.75.
Joan Gilbert, who co-ordinates the collection, would like to thank all who donated.
KSM Pub Project Promises Update

Stuck for gift ideas for loved ones? Why not buy one of our stylish Jolly Huntsman tankards and help us to fundraise at the same time? We're selling them at a special price of £25 each to local folk, and don't forget that we have the lovely Kington St Michael landmark map mugs at only £10 each.
Other great items are available from our online shop: ksmpub.co.uk and we can produce bespoke items too!
We are planning to hold a promises auction as a fundraiser in spring 2025 and are collecting promises of services and items. If you are able to help out by offering a service or an item, please email kingtonstmichael@btinternet.com - all donations will be gratefully received.
Have you visited our online shop ? We have t-shirts, tankards, mugs and more for sale - great gifts for birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day and the like - take a look at ksmpub.co.uk. Or you can buy the tankards, mugs or greetings cards from Linda Durno on 01249 750514, kingtonstmichael@btinternet.com.
~*~*~*~Teddy Bear Parachute Day
Despite a very
soggy afternoon and a delayed start, 35 brave bears took to the skies on 22nd September. Enormous thanks to all who came, to all the
helpers who contributed their time, to everyone who contributed to the
hugely successful tombola, and raffle, and those who so kindly made
delicious scones and cakes for the tea.
We are grateful too to Julian
Frost who brought the ever-popular Yoda, the owl, who once more swooped
around the church, to the delight of all. The event raised a wonderful
£605.20 which will go to the church funds.
KSM QE2 Field News
ENHANCEMENTS AT KSM QE2 FIELD - We are excited to share that the resurfacing of the kickwall area at the recreation field has now taken place! Once the new surface has dried, markings will be painted allowing a variety of recreational sports to be played, and new fencing will also be installed. In addition, an accessible pathway will be created leading to the kickwall area. We are also happy to report that new gravel will soon be laid on the existing pathway from the BBQ area down to the bridge near the entrance to Nymph Hay Wood. KSM QE2 Field Group would like to thank the
Parish Council for supporting these projects!

Community Pub News

Thank you to everyone who came to our stall at the KSM Day on the QE2 Field.
We have some more shares promised, an idea for fundraising, a promise of help and a cash donation.
Wiltshire Adult Care & Support Guide
A new, updated, independent care services directory has been published which gives readers crucial information on how to access, and pay for, care services throughout Wiltshire.
You may have seen there’s a huge amount in the media at the moment about the crisis in social care. If you’re growing concerned about your care options, or just want some more information on what your choices may be, this directory can help. With information to help you understand your options, where to go for advice and how the paying for care system works, this Care Services Directory can support you to make informed decisions.
The new edition of the independent publication and accompanying website give information on all aspects of arranging care and support. It includes how to stay independent for as long as possible, the different care and support options available and what to look for when choosing a care provider. It also offers guidance on important issues such as paying for care and what financial assistance may be available from the local authority. There are comprehensive listings of all registered care services, plus checklists to help you ask the right questions when visiting services.
The directory will be available throughout the region from outlets including carers’ centres, hospitals, GP surgeries, Age UK and the Alzheimer’s Society. It can be downloaded from www.carechoices.co.uk and is also available in spoken word.

"The Kingtons" Book - Available Now!

Get your copy of "The Kingtons" now - available from the village shop or Kington Café at only £14.95. Commissioned by the parish council, this book gives an interesting history of the ancient parish of Kington St Michael with Kington Langley,
written by Louise Ryland-Epton.
Thank You from St Michael & All Angels