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Kington St Michael Village Hall

Kington St Michael Village Hall
Kington St Michael Village Hall, SN14 6HX.
Registered Charity No. 274550

The Village Hall is owned by the Parish Council as Custodian Trustees and managed by the Village Hall Management Committee as Managing Trustees. Each organisation using the village hall on a regular basis is entitled to have a representative on the Management Committee; others are elected or appointed annually.

The Chairman is Kay Sambell.
The Treasurer is Linda Mills.
The Bookings Clerk is Clare Tate, tel. 07437 357775, email
The Secretary to the Village Hall Management Committee is Alison Harvey, who can be contacted via ksmvillagehallsecretary@gmail.com.

The Management Committee, and the organisations they represent, consists of:



Kay Sambell Chair
Claire Marlow Vice Chair
Ali Harvey Secretary
Linda Mills
Clare Tate
Booking Clerk
Louise Williams WI Rep
Joan Gilbert PCC Rep
Steve Woodhead
Parish Council Rep

If you have anything that you wish to bring to the VHMC's attention, please contact the Secretary, Alison Harvey via e-mail: ksmvillagehallsecretary@gmail.com.  

The Village Hall is well used and is available for hire to all members of the Parish. Outside organisations may also hire the hall if available. The hall also has a keyboard, which hirers may use.

For regular events held in the village hall please see the Diary & Events page of this website and on the village hall's website.

Hiring Fees


Weekday Evenings


Residents £6.50
per hour
Non-residents £7.50
per hour
Residents £7.50
per hour
Non-residents £8.50
per hour

Residents £8.50
per hour

Non-residents £9.50
per hour

Bookings Diary

At the time of booking, £25 (not refundable in cases of cancellation by the hirer), PLUS a £50 (refundable) deposit against damage etc. (Parish residents' deposit is £30).  THE BALANCE OF THE HIRE FEE (total hire fee less £25) MUST BE RECEIVED BY 28 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT.

Click here to view and/or print the Terms, Conditions & Booking form

Temporary Event Notices
A Temporary Event Notice is required by law when alcohol is to be sold on the premises and its provision is the sole responsibility of the hirer.  Application for a TEN is made through Wiltshire Council - please click here for full details and and for an application form.  

The capacity of the village hall is 150 people standing or 80 seated (theatre style rows) or 70 seated at tables.

The village hall floor was replaced with a brand new one in April 2009 - care instructions for the floor may be viewed here.

Regular users of the Village Hall include: Acorns Pre-school,  WI, Salsa Dancing and Dog Training.

The Village Hall Management Committee politely requests that all hall users park considerately when using the hall.

The hall now has its own recycling box; please use this for clean glass, tins, cans, and paper.

A member of the Wiltshire Village Halls Association

WiFi available for village hall users



Herbert Prodgers

The village hall was originally a school, built in 1866 on the northern side of the lane leading to the church.  The squire, Herbert Prodgers, had bought the land and demolished cottages on the site.  The school and schoolhouse cost £650 and had accommodation for 100 pupils and 3 teachers.  It remained an all age school (5-15years) until new secondary school buildings opened in Chippenham in 1956.  The premises became inadequate with no permanent playing field and poor toilets, heating and ventilation.
In 1978 a new school was built in The Ridings and was opened on 11th October 1979 and the old school was disused.  In the late 1980s the old school was acquired for the parish after many years of effort and was updated to become the new Village Halls.  For a history of the acquisition of the village hall please click here.  Previously the village used the building by the telephone and post boxes (now known as the Old Village Hall), which had also been a skittle alley.

(Please note that old documents relating to the village hall, and how the current building was acquired, have been deposited with Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre, Chippenham http://www.wshc.eu//).

Items from the 1980s
Back in the 1980s the Parish Hall held several Christmas Exhibition and Sales (in the old village hall on the main street). Click here to view copies of the lists of exhibitors from 1985 & 1986 (how times have changed!).

Old Village Hall



Can You Help with Weeding around the Village Hall?
Photo of weeds

Can you help the village hall? Volunteers needed for a weeding session to tidy up the weeds around the front /playground /and stone shed area of the village hall.  If you could spare about an hour for this then please contact Kay Sambell kaysambell@gmail.com to arrange a time to do this.  The hall has also accumulated a load of compostable material by the hall bins which needs to be removed/collected/disposed of; any offers or suggestions on how to deal with this welcomed.


January: We are pleased to welcome Jane Hunt as the new supervisor/cleaner.   The committee would like to take this opportunity to thank Clive Grace for all his hard work and dedication looking after the hall over the past 15 years.   We wish Clive a very well-earned rest!

Ian Wills will be standing down as Treasurer this May and will also be greatly missed.  Not only has Ian been a brilliant treasurer for the past 11 years, he has also gone above and beyond his role by helping the Chair, Kay, with many of the jobs that are needed to keep the village hall ticking over smoothly.  Thank you, Ian!

If you are interested in becoming Treasurer of the village hall, please email kaysambell@gmail.com or call Kay on 750205.

With restrictions being lifted, the hall is now open for all bookings.  If you are looking for a venue for a party, family gathering or group event, you can check the availability on the village hall website www.villagehall-ksm.org.uk/bookings.  For more information or to book, please email Sheila, the booking clerk - ksmhallbookings@gmail.com.


Village Hall Car Park
The Village Hall Management Committee would like to remind villagers that the village hall car park is only for village hall users and shop customers. Recently, a number of paying village hall users have not been able to park.
Thank you!

Father Christmas in his grotto 2012
Father Christmas in his grotto at the annual Christmas Fayre