Kington St Michael School
"Learning together, aiming high"

Kington St Michael CE School - built in 1978, opened 11th October 1979
Head teacher: Mrs Victoria O'Brien
Kington St Michael CE School The Ridings Kington St Michael Chippenham Wiltshire SN14 6JG
Tel/Fax: 01249 750454 School Website |
"Healthy Schools" statusawarded 2008 |
School Secretary: Mrs Bronwyn Lightowler E-mail:
Reception: The office is manned between 9am and 3pm.
Governors' News: Governors' news can be viewed on the school's own website.
Wiltshire Council website:
Ofsted Report
View our latest Ofsted report here.
School Uniform
Our preferred uniform supplier is Scholars, 3 The Causeway, Chippenham, SN15 3BT. Tel. 01249 656600.
50/50 Draw
Many thanks to those who continue to support the school through membership. If you would like to contribute to the draw at only £1 per month please contact the school. Renewal for the club is in July. Direct debit can be arranged - forms available from the school.
School Profile Have you read our school profile?
Hire of School Hall & Grounds
The school's hall and grounds are available for hire for local community groups, with significant discounts . The grounds have already been used for a wedding reception. Please contact the school for details.
The Parents & Friends of KSM School has its own page on the school's website.
School newsletter:
Please visit the School's own website, where you will also be able to view the latest school newsletter under "Parent Information".
(For "Friends" events please visit
For up to date news please go to the school's website where you will also be able to view the latest school newsletter.
October - KSM School has been in discussions with the Department of Education since January, regarding the Rural Gigabit Connectivity Programme. We are pleased to say we have been successful and received approval to get ultrafast full fibre broadband connected through the whole village. This not only benefits our school and pupils but will benefit all KSM local businesses and all residents of KSM. We are hopeful the ultrafast full fibre broadband will be up and running soon, maybe by Christmas.
February - The Friends' quiz night raised a fantastic £485.80 for funds. Thanks go to all who supported this event.
November: Phonics Achievement - We were delighted to receive a letter of congratulations from the Rt Hon Nick Gibb, Minister of State for School Standards (attached). This was to acknowledge our 100% success rate in the Year 1 Phonics Test, putting us in the top 3% of schools in the country. This is the second year running for us. Many thanks to our resident expert, Mrs Crook, for all her hard work and patience!
September: International School Award - Kington St Michael CE Primary School has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom. The International School Award celebrates the achievements of schools that do exceptional work in internationaleducation. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need for life work in today’s world.Kington St Michael CE Primary School’s international work includes leading a whole school Global Week, Fair Trade Fortnight, Bastille Day and Chinese New Year celebrations and developing strong links with schools overseas.Sir Ciarán Devane, CEO of the British Council, said: “The school’s fantastic international work has rightfully earned it this prestigious award. The International School Award is a great chance for schools to demonstrate the important work they’re doing to bring the world into their classrooms. Embedding an international dimension inchildren’s education ensures that they are truly global citizens and helps prepare them for successful lives and careers in an increasingly global economy.”Many thanks and congratulations to Mrs Hussey, who has led this work in school.July: The total raised at the School Fete is £4,560. This is an amazing achievement and thank you for all your support on the day and during the build up.February: The school has received a letter of congratulations from the Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, congratulating the staff and pupils on achieving a high standard of writing in the Key Stage 2 assessments. A hundred per cent of children reached or exceeded the expected standard, placing the school in the top 1% of primary schools in England for achievement in writing.
January: The children's carol singing at Sainsbury's, just before Christmas, raised £313.78.2017December: The school’s stall at the Christmas Fayre raised £86.40, the annual book fair raised £620 in new books, £240.51 was raised for Children in Need, and the school’s Poppy Appeal made £95.80. November: Thank you for your donations of Christmas shoe boxes; 22 were collected and will be on their way to the Ukraine.
July: A huge thank you to all who supported the recent school fete; a magnificent total of £5,302.61 was raised for school funds.
The Friends are pleased to have been approved to be one of the charities on the Waitrose Green Token Scheme in Waitrose, Malmesbury, for July, which could raise as much as £500. They are also excited to be chosen for the Tesco Bags of Help Scheme in Chippenham, where you can vote for them every time you shop in Tesco stores during July and August 2017; this gives them a chance to win up to £4,000 if they get the most votes.June: The school has been given a Wessex Watermark Award of £400 to help with the cost of digging out the new pond. February: James Thomas from BBC Wiltshire Radio in to school to talk to the children for his School Run programme. Our Year 5 and 6 children spoke to him about 5 different things that they think showed off our school. The children chose what they would like to talk about.~ We have received a letter from the Local Authority acknowledging the high standards again achieved by our pupils. This is due to the enthusiasm and hard work of both the staff and children and we are very proud of KSM School.~ The Friends quiz night on 3rd February was a great success and thank you to all those who participated, supported and donated, and of course to Lee Churchill, our quiz master! We are pleased to announce that we raised £443.January: The children’s carol singing at Sainsbury’s last month raised £287.67, whilst those who attended the village’s Christingle service or returned a candle raised £245 for the Children’s Society.2016
December: The school’s stall at the Christmas Fayre raised £50.30 for school funs, whilstBen Harvey's Grandma raised £80.40 for the school from her knitted goods and jewellery.
The annual book fayre made £555.84 for new books for the school; this was £200 more than last year. £102.60 was raised for the Poppy Appeal and £203.68 was raised for Children in Need.
November ~ The school has been given top marks by the State Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools. This is a double success as the school was also praised as 'Outstanding in all areas' by Ofsted in 2014. July ~ The school fete, organised by the Friends of Kington St Michael School, was a huge success and raised a record-breaking £5,020.13; these funds go towards events, activities and resources for the children. Thanks go to everyone who supported this event.
May ~ We had an amusing Bad Hair day with lots of very creative and colourful hairstyles. Thanks to Millie Rice-Chandler and Charlotte Surry who organised this event to raise funds for the Bath Cats and Dogs Home. We raised £84.80.
April ~ The Friends recent cycle ride at Castle Combe circuit raised £159.50 for funds.
~ Sports Relief: we raised £109 on our ‘dress as a sports personality’ day – thank you.
March ~ The school council, in consultation with classes, decided to spend its dedicated budget for this yearon First Aid Training with St John Ambulance, as felt it was felt that it isimportant for everyone to have a basic knowledge in first aid in order to beable to help others.
February ~ Our lovely new classroom is now in place and furnished.

~ The School Council’s recent cake sale raised an admirable £173.40 for Cancer Research UK.
~ Coats for Syria: Many thanks for all the donations which filled 12 enormous black bin bags with coats, fleeces, thermals, hats and gloves - the charity was thrilled by how much we were able to collect in such a short period of time.
Kington St Michael CE Primary School is Outstanding, says OFSTED

Ofsted has recently carried out a two day inspection at Kington St Michael Primary School, near Chippenham, and judged that the school is Outstanding in all five areas of inspection. A new inspection framework was introduced in September this year and Kington St Michael is proud to be in the top 10% of Primaries achieving the new Outstanding judgement.
The five areas judged to be Outstanding by Lead Inspector Marion Hobbs were Leadership and Management, Behaviour and Safety of pupils, Quality of Teaching, Achievement of Pupils and Early Years provision.
The Ofsted reports states that “all pupils are highly motivated, have a love of learning and make rapid progress in their learning across different subjects. Relationships throughout the school are highly supportive and caring and each pupil is known individually”. |
Chair of Governors, Rachael Jenkins, said: “The Outstanding judgment reflects the whole school philosophy of “only my best is good enough”, and is a great reward for the hard work of the pupils, staff and governors of KSM school.”
Head Teacher, Tracy Cornelius, said: “We are very proud of all we do at our school and have worked hard to make further improvements since our last inspection. It is very rewarding for the staff, governors, children and parents to have this work acknowledged in such a positive report”.
~ Kington St Michael CE Primary School has been recognised as an OUTSTANDING school, following a recent Ofsted inspection earlier this month.
We scored outstanding in ALL categories, a remarkable achievement considering that the Ofsted Framework was updated in September 2014 and it has become even more challenging for schools to achieve a high grading.
The school's old logo - St Michael slaying the dragon.
Drawn by John Hall of KSM.
(Read the story of St Michael here)