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Parish Plan

Publication of the Parish Plan was produced over two years and was published on 15th March 2007. The Plan was delivered to every household in the Parish and further copies can be downloaded here. The Plan shows the Actions, who is responsible for achieving them and the timescales for their completion. The Steering Committee thank everyone who worked on the Plan and the parishioners of Kington St Michael for their enthusiastic support.

An up-to-date copy of the Action Plan (April 2009) can be viewed here.

The Steering Committee consisted of:

Maureen Hall
Jim Hamilton
Claire Marlow
John Newton (Chairman)
Margaret Pratley
Rick Squires (Vice-chairman)
David West (co-option)


Parish Economy
The Parish Economy within Kington St Michael continues to grow with an increasing number of residents working from home or running their own business on a full or part-time basis. We have identified over sixty separate businesses within the Parish with annual turnovers ranging from under £10,000 to over £25 million.

There is now a regular Business Breakfast, which is held for all of those in the Parish who run a business from home or who are self employed. The overall objective of this event is to promote the parish economy, and where possible to increase the amount of activity that is undertaken between businesses within the Parish. The business breakfast is held twice a year (spring and autumn) and allows the very broad cross section of business people within the Parish to meet, network and to listen to one or more speakers who cover a topical subject. Normally between thirty five and forty people attend the event which is held in our local pub, The Jolly Huntsman.

If you are interested in attending the next event, please contact Rick Squires on (01249) 750335 or rsquires@pienergy.co.uk. Rick holds a list of all of the businesses within the Parish, so if you are looking for a local service, or wish to be included on the list, please give Rick a call.

Roads & Transport
The detailed action plan for the Roads and Transport section of the Parish Plan is highlighted within the document (see above).

The major road and transport issues raised within the Plan have been addressed by the Roads and Transport group. There have been several meetings held with Wiltshire Council and the Wiltshire police to discuss a number of issues. The major areas of discussion have focused on traffic calming, pedestrian safety and road signage. Speed surveys have been undertaken, proposals made for improved pedestrian safety on Tor Hill and for revised traffic signage within the village. Also new signage will be included at the Plough Crossroads, highlighting the Village Shop and Post Point.

Letters were written to third parties who impact on the road and transport situation within the village. For example, to reduce the regular use of the village main street as a cut through to and from the M4 by local haulage companies, coaches and emergency vehicles.  In addition, satellite navigation service providers have been contacted to ensure that vehicles are not directed off the M4 at the local service area rather than via Junction 17 to gain access to the village and Chippenham.

The lack of adequate parking facilities remains an issue and this will be examined further in future.

In answer to the plan questionnaire, there was strong support for action on environmental protection and against the threat of global warming. In response we put on an ‘Environment Awareness Day’ in the village hall. This included displays on waste reduction, recycling, local electricity generation, cycling, local produce and children’s modelling from junk. It turned into a very enjoyable and educational day.

We now enjoy kerb-side recycling in the village.

Since that time we have worked with CAVE (Chippenham and Villages Environmentalists) on various projects including a ‘plastic-bag-free day’ in Chippenham (our village shop is now plastic-bag-free), Fair Trade status for Chippenham and a new wood-pellet fuelled boiler for Stanton St Quintin School. We joined the staff and pupils for an enjoyable official switch-on on 21st January 2009.

Other projects for the future include a Thermal Imaging Camera to take images of houses in the village to show people where they are loosing heat from their homes and then give guidance on how to reduce these losses. We are currently trying to locate grants to help with the cost of purchase of the camera.

We will continue to ensure we do all we can to help save the planet.